Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Anniversary

This post should have been made 7 months ago, however our computer was broken which made it impossible to really post anything. But now that we have a computer at home my blog will be a little more up-to-date rather then "8months ago" underneath my name.

This year (or I guess I should say last year) Blake and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We usually have been given new born babies for our anniversary gift :),but this year my finacial planner suggested not to get one another anything. Does anyone fall for this trick? Unfortunately I have,too many times. So with no gift on hand I was surprised with a full body message,dinner and a movie. He always does so much for me and its always such a surprise! To top the night off I came,home went up stairs to find my hiding children, only to find a beautiful new slay bed and bedroom set! What a stud!I love ya babe thanks for the best 5 years yet! And the 3 cutest little rascals a girl could ever ask for!

1 comment:

  1. It was so great talking with you yesterday!! your kids are adorable and I can't wait to see all of you!
