Sunday, September 20, 2009


Ever since Mr. Alston's social studies, grade 6 class I've been fascinated with Pompeii. Well, I got the chance to go and convinced my hubby to come along. We set off with Kyle & Allison, Brady & Andrea, Bob Hall and his wife Jill. Pompeii is an hour from Rome so we went to the train station and the first six bought train tickets on a less expensive train and when it was our turn to pay the train had sold out, so we had to up-grade to a train that was $40/person one way to Pompeii and it was leaving in 5 min. So we hurried and bought our tickets, ran to find our train and jumped on the train as it was leaving the station. The whole trip was to hurry and catch the train from here to there etc. But we arrived in Pompeii and started our 4 hour walk on rock and stone. I always thought Pompeii was a little village, but it was a huge city and they still haven't dug a portion of it up yet. You could see the original tile and paintings. Down the streets you could see where they would have driven their carts. I enjoyed it so much because I learned so much about it before and how they had built everything was simply amazing.

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