Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fishing at the Indian Ponds

Blake sporting the Zeniths sweatshirt. He did it to score some points with the fam.

Last week we went up to the annual Nelson family retreat to Roseivelt, Ut. We went up early with Casey, Emily and Livie to fish in the Uintahs at the Indian Ponds. Well, it turns out miss. Bella Reese LOVES to fish! I think a big part was the fact that Livie had a Dora fishing pole and of course she had to have it. Livie being the good cousin that she is, let her use it and surprisingly that little pole caught the most fish! Bella would not let me help her (not that I could do much to help anyways) just her Dad and she caught 4 fish! T-dawg caught one, but was more interest in exploring or throwing rocks in the ponds. It was a fun little family adventure and it is so fun to watch my children get older, they are growing up before my eyes!

1 comment:

  1. loving the Zeinths sweatshirt. Where did Blake get that, is it an Allen hand-me-down.
