Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Sister

Our baby sister, also know as Yayee (Lotti) has grown so much these last 5 months! Here is a list of some of the things that have happened and that you have learned to do so far in life!
*You love to watch T & B play. You sometimes end up being the baby dragon they shoot their Nerf guns at.

*You grab your toes and feet! Just learned to do that a few days ago.

*A big smile is always on your face & you love love love to giggle!

*Matching is a must with big sister.

* In the morning you look like a baby chick with your fluffy blonde hair!

*You talk non stop!

*You're a cat napper.

*Rice cereal is now your favorite, after bottles of course.

*You are so chubby!

We love you baby Charlotte, you have such a sweet disposition about you and everyone is captivated by you!


  1. awww, Megs baby Charlotte is so adorable!! I love those sweet little chubby cheeks! I cant wait to meet her someday! I hope your doing well!! I LOVE YOU!! xo kooie

  2. She is so adorable! It was great talking to you. I just found out our reunion is adults but no kids. Hopefully I'll get to see your adorable kids while you are up.
